Tuesday, December 20, 2005

December 20, 2005

Cookies are in the oven - the girls are spending time with their friends - Tim is at work. We are thankful that he has a job. His beard is coming in nicely - Oh, I didn't tell you? He started growing a beard when he got so sick around Thanksgiving - keeps him warm. I'll try to get a photo up soon at www.thequicksonline.com.
Our current radio single - "Now I Know" - is seeing some airplay - that's very exciting for us!
We are enjoying our arrangement to "White Christmas." Our producer - Tommy Cooper - did a great job. He knows us too well...
We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Cookies burned... That's what I get for sitting on the computer...
till next time...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

December 1, 2005

Good news - Tim is better. Still congested and really tired, but he returned to work on Monday. That's a soldier for you...
Rachel is gearing up for finals, Rebecca has a couple of choir events coming up.
You can hear our latest radio single - "Now I Know" - by calling your local Gospel station! If you are not familiar with The Quicks, this is one way to check us out!
My sister Susan is in Nashville on business. She was able to go to church with us last night. That was cool.
Visit us on the web at www.thequicksonline.com
We also do a monthly article at www.sogospelnews.com.
till next time...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

November 22, 2005

Tim is sick - viral infection - spent most of yesterday at the VA Hospital. Good news is - he got to come home and is off work for a week - there's your silver lining. Will be spending Thanksgiving with family - hope you all have a good holiday weekend! I'm cooking if anyone's hungry...
Our last singing for 2005 will be this Sunday in Edmonton, Kentucky - sure hope Tim is better by then... We look forward to participating in the Christmas program at our church next month. Our Choir director is a little difficult to work with, but we'll manage. I hope he doesn't read this...
You can find out more about us at www.thequicksonline.com

Thursday, November 17, 2005

November 11, 2005

I rented one of those carpet shampooers yesterday... when I had finished the whole house, I realized the machine was not working quite right. Apparently, much of the water wanted to stay in the carpet. A second machine didn't help much either - our furniture is still in the garage...
The Quicks have released a Christmas song to radio - you can request "White Christmas" - 'Quick' Style at your local Gospel radio station.
It is cheaper to paint old furniture than it is to buy new items. Good thing I like to paint...

Friday, November 04, 2005

November 4, 2005

Our Christmas song is ready - I can't wait to hear the mix. I had a co-writing session with Daryl Williams yesterday - that basically amounts to me bringing him my sermon notes then drinking a bottled water while he churns out a song. It took three tries, but I finally broke the rules and used silicone caulk to keep the shower door sealed. After missing two weeks, Tim finally got a treatment. The shipment of medicine was delayed due to our doctor dragging his feet (again) - time to get a new doctor. Vitamin C is our new best friend with the change in weather.
till next time...

Friday, October 28, 2005

October 28, 2005

Got a call from a friend today who actually reads "Quick" Fix. Go figure...
What is the best way to remove caulk? I need to reinstall the glass shower door to get a better seal. I have been cleaning caulk from the frame most of the day - gets very boring.
The front storm door I fixed last week still works great. Very surprising. The UPS man was actually able to leave the Singing News Magazines on the front porch this time.
Will go tomorrow to finish the vocals on a Christmas song we are sending out. That should be fun.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

October 20, 2005

Yesterday was a busy day...
I went to meet our producer in Nashville to get our new arrangement to White Christmas, met Bill Gaither, then fixed the storm door...
I'm really proud of the door. Okay, and I absolutely love the Christmas song.

Friday, October 14, 2005

October 14, 2005

We have a Saturday off - things need to be fixed around our house!
I was at my desk Tuesday morning when I heard a knock on the back door a few feet away. Expecting a friend or family member, I looked out to see our Fed Ex driver. Surprised, I opened the door to sign for the envelope. She said, "I came to the back door because I remember your front storm door doesn't open." Guess that's a pretty good indication it has been broken long enough.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

October 5

The Quicks attended a housewarming for Eddie and Jessica Harrison of Hope's Call last night. It is great to see young people get the American dream!

Monday, October 03, 2005

October 3, 2005

Headed for Carthage, Tennessee... I continue to work with The Wilburns even though they have slowed down since the group came off the road. There isn't as much for me to do anymore, but lunch at "Grandmother's" on Monday is wonderful! I need to get over there so I can get back to Quick business - Later, Sally

Friday, September 30, 2005

September 30

Welcome to Quick Fix! We thought we would get in on this "blog" thing!