I was supposed to start blogging on here... oh, about 4 months ago. But what kind of college student would I be if I didn't procrastinate?! So, here I am.
One of the main reasons you're getting this update is because I've been immobile since yesterday. I had four big ole teeth ripped outta my head! (AKA - I had my wisdom teeth removed.) It's been a tough time having all kinds of food brought to me... watching movie after movie after movie... who am I kidding?! This has been a highlight of my summer break!
On a more serious note, I had actually been terrified of this whole process. My dentist told me to get my wisdom teeth out four years ago, and I just kept putting it off. I guess a little maturing on my end, a Momma who always knows what's best, and a whole lot of praying is exactly what I needed to get through it! Isn't it funny how God always takes care of you right when you need Him? And it wasn't a big deal AT ALL. I've actually had a ball eating all this chocolate pudding, lime sherbet, mashed potatoes, applesauce... I'm stopping now because that just made me hungry... and The Major and the Minor is about to go off, so I need to put in another movie! Maybe it won't take me four months to update on here again. Hope all you folks out there are having a lovely day! :)